What inspired me to travel?

I chose to study travel and tourism for my degree after falling in love with travelling and wanting to learn more about different cultures and the world of travel after i participated in a German exchange programme.  In 2010 I participated in a school German exchange, I lived with a German family and went to school just outside of Aschaffenburg, Germany.

This experience peaked my interest in other cultures and the differences between other countries and the UK. I participated in the German exchange again the following year and in 2013 went on a school trip to Berlin. I found Berlin amazing and really fell in love with Germany and learning about other countries and languages. in 2015 I visited Berlin again and spent the next 2 years visiting other European cities including Bucharest, Vienna, Budapest and Brussels.

After visiting some of these places I decided I would like to study travel and tourism. The degree has given me an insight into what goes into travel and tourism and how tourists can cause detriment to peoples lives and the environment as well as benefit it.
I have learnt about how tourism has evolved over the years from pilgrimages and health tourism to the modern day all inclusive get away from reality. 

With my degree, I have been able to visit many different places, such as Bucharest, Romania. Romania is a place I never thought I would visit, but to my surprise, was an amazing place, full of history, culture and beautiful scenery. 
