Learning languages

Travelling to another country is a privilege and should not be taken lightly. People around the world take the time to learn other languages, in many cases to help provide a better experience for the tourist visiting their country. for example, if you go on a holiday to Spain, most of the Spanish people will have learnt English and will speak to you in English.

I have found that in my travels, earning a little bit of the language helps you, it makes people think you have put the effort in and will help you more and appreciate that you are trying, even if it is just the basics such as Hello, Goodbye, Yes, No Please and Thank you.

I fell in love with learning languages when I was taking my GCSE's at school and decided to take French and do an after-school GCSE in German, learning the 2 languages has helped e learn others such as Swedish and Spanish as the more oy learn, the easier it becomes, unless you mix the languages up!

I learnt Swedish basics on Babble, taking a free class and then subscribing for 3 months I managed to get my level 1 certificate in Swedish.

To learn the basics of languages I have found that apps such as Babble (paid) and Duolingo (Free) help so much, you can just spend a few minutes each day practising and learning, allowing you to easily become fluent if you stick to it, or even provides refresher information if you have forgotten.
